Financial Services & Fintech

The financial services industry has never experienced more dramatic change and disruption.  Revenue and profit sources are evolving. Cost pressures are on the rise. Consumer behaviors are changing. Economic crises heightens the need for expertise in risk management. Rapidly evolving technological advances have resulted in increased integration of disparate platforms and a heightened focus on cyber security. The need for sophisticated executives who understand that big data strategies must translate into enhanced marketing and customer service is at an all-time high. In addition, mergers and acquisitions are expected to be on the rise due to increased competition and compressed margins. Overall, financial services firms must have executives who are agile, adaptive, unfazed by crisis and complexity, and capable of leading through periods of great change.

We understand financial services in all its intricacy and rapid evolution. Our practice represents nearly 20% of our client base, with engagements across a range of sectors, including fintech, retail, business and corporate banking, mortgages and lending, credit card, wealth management, private banking, asset management, insurance, and real estate. We have a strong following of repeat business with many major financial services players, and have a strong focus on technology players who are continuing to disrupt the industry.


  • Alternative Investments
  • Asset & Wealth Management
  • Banking & Lending
  • Capital Markets
  • Consumer & Commercial Finance
  • Commercial & Corporate Banking, and Treasury
  • Credit Card and Payments
  • Governance, Risk & Compliance
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • WealthTech